75+ Health Assessments
Elderly patients usually have a range of co-morbidities, including underlying health conditions or psychosocial issues that are not detected or adequately managed during the course of routine consultations. This has led to the government initiative of encouraging an annual health assessments targeting patients 75 years old and above.
By implementing a structured approach, various risk factors are often identified that can be further managed. The assessment is entirely bulk billed and booked as a 45 minute appointment with the nurse followed by a 30 minute appointment with the doctor.
What does it involve?
Your GP will perform a thorough medication review including discussion of deprescribing and medication safety. It helps to bring a list of your current medications or your entire stock of routine medications for reconciliation. There will also be an evaluation of your cognition, psychosocial wellbeing, memory and bone health.
Just as a heart attack can be prevented by early blood tests checking for high cholesterol, common geriatric issues such as dementia, frailty or osteoporosis leading to hip fracture can be better managed by early detection. More than managing individual conditions, the health assessment provides an opportunity for your health to be addressed holistically.